local news on a global scale

the Original Site

The first version of the website was deployed on neocities over the course of the 4-5 days, that being October 14th to October 15th, 2022, with no external frontend or basckend, under the hopes that it was a free hosting service that wouldn't be blocked on the school computers. I wanted it to be accsesible from pretty much any device, (I worked very hard to make sure it was mobile responsive), but in the end the neocities domain was blocked. This was also my first HTML project in a good while so i was not super confident and many mistakes early on that i only realized were mistakes too late into develpment to be fixed. I was incredibly niave with it, and the fact that i got anywhere with it at all is a testemant to gods will. it was discontinued/paused for construction on the 27th, and at the time had just hit 1,000 views.

The Current Site

The second version of the site would begin cronstruction on the 30th after a break, as web develpment is always taxing on my brain. Now, with renewed understanding of html and css, and a greater leniancy towards using javascript, i tried to keep to more "best practices". I also continued the trend of refusing to use any external backend or frontend, to keep the performance of the site as tight as possible. Keeping the site "in-theme" of the original, while still going for the more "professional" look has proved difficult so far.

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